The Electronic Title User Group made up of, and directed by, the users of the e-titleTM application. E-Title Authority Pte Ltd provides day-to-day administration. The User Group has six primary responsibilities which are outlined below.

Electronic Title User Agreement Administration

The Electronic Title User Agreement has been designed to work throughout the world as a private contract. As legislation or e-title™ functionality develops or changes, the Agreement will require modification. The Electronic Title User Group approves all changes to the User Agreement before they are implemented.


All users of e-title™ services must join the Electronic Title User Group so that they can be signatories to the User Agreement. Registration can be completed on-line with the Electronic Title User Group or through the ASP providing e-title™ services.

In either case, the user provides or is given a unique identifier and agrees to the terms and conditions of the User Agreement. The Electronic Title User Group maintains the full database of registered users.


All e-title™ applications use digital signatures to allow secure transfer of electronic titles between e-title™ peers. To ensure that the digital signatures are authentic, they must first be certified by the Electronic Title User Group.


The Electronic Title User Group provides a revocation service to cater for abnormal events that result in an invalid user or a digital signature key. Secure revocation ensures that users that are no longer party to the User Agreement or keys that have been compromised cannot be used in an e-title™ transaction.

Dispute Resolution

While disputes are rare, they will occur from time to time. In most cases, the disputes will not be related to the use of e-title™ or electronic titles because the security arrangements provide a much safer environment than paper. But information that is contained in the secure electronic title logs may be required as part of arbitration or court proceedings.

The Electronic Title User Group is responsible to resolve disputes that relate directly to e-title™, but also to certify electronic title logs as authentic when data must be presented to external bodies.

In addition to its other roles, the Electronic Title User Group provides a formal means for users to discuss the electronic title service and funnel suggestions for improvements or new opportunities.